Getting Ideas

Just getting some deas.

"How do I get ideas?" No one asks. Obviously from inspiration. And music. And autism.

I remembered what my friend SweetMangle103 said. Apparently I'm super creative when I get ideas from listening to music and I agree on that. I'm even impressed by myself that I get these kind of crazy ideas. I'm mixing my experience with others work and metamorph them with my taste in music. That's something I never knew I had and it must be because of my autism.

One time at my old work-place, I must have complained why I had autism. But then my co-workers said to me what's positive about it. I remember only (Currently) that it could give me these ideas I'm getting. It seem's to be making the brain "Special" enough from the rest that the host can get thoughts not like any other.


Autism might also be the cause of my love towards simplicity. It's easy and calms you down. So that's all in this documentary. Even tho you might call autism a pain to deal with. It is but it can have benefits as-well.

The End
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